The Marchex Blog

A/B Test Your Texting Campaigns to Engage More Effectively

Our texting platform, Marchex Sonar, allows businesses to automate SMS marketing with drip campaigns that send highly targeted messages to opted-in contacts promoting new sales or events. But what is the right message to send? Does it matter if you personalize it? Do different demographics in your customer base resonate with different language? At what frequency should you even send these messages? Clearly experimentation to figure out what works best is important. But it can also be time-intensive and costly to do.

Marchex Sonar has a new feature that can improve the efficiency of an experimentation program by saving and reusing message variants that work. This feature also empowers users to send highly targeted messages to segments of your customers, collect and parse their responses, run A/B tests on copy messaging, and ultimately fine tune the SMS campaigns.  You can start out by figuring out what segment(s) of your customer base you want to message. Our Properties feature allows you to literally segment by any piece of data you have saved about your customers, including when they last purchased from you, key demographic data, or even their favorite color (assuming you have that info!).

Once you know who you’re targeting, it’s time to get experimenting. For example, if you run message A and message B to your most engaged segment of leads, and notice that conversion rates for message A are significantly higher than message B, your next step may be to test message A against a new alternative, message C. Not only can you highly refine your messages to a particular segment, but you can also essentially create a dynamic testing program strategy as you continue to deploy this for additional audience segments and/or SMS campaigns.

This new feature also enables a user to create, save and share message templates. You’re able to plan out your experiments or A/B tests ahead of time and simply re-use what has worked or continue to test different messages to new audiences. Say goodbye to having to type in the same message over and over again; use a texting platform with message templates like Sonar to save time and engage over SMS more effectively.

To learn more about Sonar and these texting enhancements, reach out for a demo of Marchex Sonar.